Anney's Wish
A PAW-SOME 193 cats were fixed in June 2024 at our 4th Annual "Anney's Wish" spay & neuter campaign in memory of a very special benefactor, Ann Winters - a long-time resident of Roatan and a cat lover who rescued many a cat when she & her husband Ron lived on Roatan.
In 2023, 71 cats were sterilized at the 3rd Annual "Anney's Wish". We are amazed with this exponential increase AND with the owners who care about their pets to get them fixed and help stop the overpopulation of unwanted litters here on Roatan.
In 2023, 71 cats were sterilized at the 3rd Annual "Anney's Wish". We are amazed with this exponential increase AND with the owners who care about their pets to get them fixed and help stop the overpopulation of unwanted litters here on Roatan.
In early 2021, we were heartbroken to hear about Ann’s passing. Her amazing gesture to include ROAR in her estate planning, and subsequently Ron's monthly donations, have helped us to continue rescuing Roatan’s animals in her name. With her generous gift, we have spayed & neutered 136 cats during the Anney's Wish May Clinics, and thus her impact on Roatan is immeasurable! We are eternally grateful and honored that she entrusted ROAR to carry on her work.
Thank you to the vets and the volunteers who make Anney's Wish a success each year. And to our supporters.....your donations, whether one-time or monthly, are what make this work possible. Thank you!